Eros, sex, intimacy Elise Avellan Eros, sex, intimacy Elise Avellan

What is Eros?

A concept in ancient Greek philosophy referring to sensual or passionate love, from which the term erotic is derived. Eros has also been used in philosophy and psychology in a much wider sense, almost as an equivalent to "life energy"

I have found that our Eros is a space that needs nurturing and acceptance to exist in its full power.

This power is life force energy. The energy we use to live our day to day lives.

Of course healthy food, exercise, community and rest are all building blocks of this life force. But the nurturing of our Eros, our turn on, ignites the fire in that life force in ways we seldom experience due to shame and guilt imprinted by societal conditioning.

So how can we validate, experience and nurture our Eros so we can truly understand what our lives would become when the engine is always on?

🔥 It begins with slowing down, grabbing your journal and getting really honest about what turns you on. It can be simple things or more “complex” things but the key is to really be honest. Write everything that comes to mind down.

🔥 Start a movement practice and puts you in your body. Find songs that turn you on and start moving slowly to them. Sometimes it helps doing it in front of the mirror. Sometimes that can put too much pressure on yourself. There is no wrong way of moving. This is just an exercise to feel your sensual, slow movements grounded in your body. Feel silly and play.

🔥Touch yourself longer than 10 minutes. That’s right, don’t just demand a quick orgasm out of your genitals. Spend time teasing your body and stoking your own fire. Gently caress your body, play a sexy song, hear yourself breathe and moan. And DO NOT watch porn. Use your imagination but most importantly stay present with the sensations your body is feeling.

🔥Wear something that makes you feel good, confident and sexy and go out into the world to be seen. Not with the expectation to meet anyone but to radiate your light. Practice the art of peacocking even if just for moments.

🔥 Flirt with your lover or someone new. It doesn’t have to end in full blown sex (although it can) but flirting is its own art.

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