Deep Connections - A Course on Intimacy, Communication, and Relationships
Welcome to Deep Connections, a comprehensive online course designed to help both singles and couples cultivate fulfilling relationships through enhanced intimacy and effective communication. Whether you're seeking to build a stronger bond with your partner or develop the skills to create meaningful connections in your life, this course offers practical modules, engaging exercises, recommended readings, and insightful quotes to guide you on your journey to deeper connections.
- Elis Avellan PCC
Are you ready to transform your relationships and experience a profound level of emotional connection? Discover the power of understanding yourself and expressing your authenticity with crystal clarity. Your journey to mastering intimacy, communication, and relationships awaits…
6 Modules designed to bring you closer to yourself, your desires and to deepen your intimacy & communication skills.
What people are saying
“I wasn’t expecting a communications course to be as gentle and profound as this hit. I am a different person”
- Alice W
“Our entire relationship is possible because of her communication skills. Grateful to know new ways of relating can take up space within us and rebuild trust so quickly ”
- John D
“My husband and I really stepped into a different level of relating after this. We found so much permission for our true selves to emerge”
- Rachel S
“This course was more about getting closer to myself than learning a new skill mentally. I feel so much more hopeful about all my relationships and it’s not dependent on anyone but how I show up”
- Stephen K
“I took my time with each module. Really integrating all I was learning about my self. It has been like an awakening of sorts. So much feels right again”
- Whitney D

Join our thriving community of individuals dedicated to
building profound connections and transforming their relationships.
Together, let's create a life filled with love, understanding, and authentic connections.
6 Modules designed to bring you closer to yourself, your desires and to deepen your intimacy & communication skills.